Wednesday, November 24, 2010

You're Very Welcome

My new favorite song. And the inspiration for my blog name. Just wanted to share it with you :)

And for reasons unknown, it's freakishly large, but it's the song that counts :)

Happy Day Before Thanksgiving!!!

Hello all :)

Hope all of your pre-Turkey Day festivities are going well! I braved the stores today (a few things I couldn't get yesterday, but thank God I only saved those things for today). Not sure what the heck I was thinking. Oh lord. Everywhere I turned I was running over someone's toes, or bumping into their cart. My shining moment was running into the cheese aisle basket thing. Talk about classy ;)

On another note, my kids were FANTASTIC!! Dizzy is normally a challenge, but he was a doll. The oldest and youngest are always good. I was so proud! :)

The cashier kid was saying he had to work tomorrow. I felt bad for him :( Maybe I should bring him some turkey!

What are your plans for Thanksgiving? Are you hosting? Cooking? Celebrating? Decorating? Eating?

I'm hosting and eating and cooking. And decorating!!! I'm so stoked for noon to come I can't wait!!!!!!!!! In the morning we watch the parade, and then as Santa waves, I run to grab my Christmas socks and the music goes on!! It's a tradition and I love it :)

I'm really hoping we watch the RIGHT Macy's parade this year! Last year we spent the first two hours watching the wrong one. It was Macy's, but not NBC or whoever usually does it. No stars, no singing, we all thought the economy  had really affected the parade too lol. It was sad. But this year, my TV goes on the RIGHT channel at 9:00!!

Who are your guests? It's going to be myself, my hubby, Bean, Dizzy, and J-bug, our furry kiddos (2 dogs, 2 cats), my sister, and probably her puppy :) My parents are away this year (sad face) and we will miss them SO much, but we're going to have some holiday fun when they get back :)

Well I suppose I should hop off here and get to working on the rest of my Turkey Day stuff!

Hope you all have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving and remember everything you are grateful for :) I know I have A LOT to be grateful for!!

** insert really cute picture here, but it won't upload** BOOOOOO :)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Infamous 'About Me' Post

I tried to sum myself up in the little window they allow in the 'About Me' section. Not gonna happen. I'm far too complicated for that. So I figured a post dedicated to it would be better. Editable as I think of new facts, yet kept in one easily accessible area.

If you and I are strangers, you'll find more out about me than you ever wanted to know. If you already know me, I guarantee you will find out at least 3 things that you didn't know :)

~ I love water
~ I am notorious for my awesome comebacks..... 15 minutes too late
~ I have a really weak stomach (developed a few years ago). Food and reptiles don't mix
~ I love my family and friends
~ I'm afraid of being alone
~ I hate the dark. It scares me
~ I believe in ghosts
~ I'm certain I have a guardian angel
~ I despise typos and grammatical errors. Although I make them on occasion
~ I suck at keeping secrets (unless you ask me in seriousness)
~ I love Christmas, and all that it entails.
~ Hot chocolate is amazing
~ I'm a very passionate person
~ I love sneezing. It seriously feels so good
~ If you yawn, I will too
~ Batter and dough taste considerably better than their baked counterparts
~ I envy a lot of people
~ I can't handle a stuffy nose. I turn into a monster :)
~ I'm incredibly grateful for the blessings in my life
~ 3 is my lucky number
~ I spell words for fun
~ I am incapable of speaking in public
~ I adore animals
~ I'm almost always late. Unless I try really hard
~ I hate paper cuts
~ I like the smell of coffee but I hate the way it tastes
~ I'm done eating chocolate. You would be too if you knew what I knew ;P
~ I'm intrigued by medicine
~ It is my dream/goal to become a bestselling author
~ I often feel awkward
~ I think very carefully before I say something. Except when I don't, and then it's bad
~ I want a unicorn
~ I will always believe you
~ Gullible is my middle name (no, not seriously)
~ I used to hate my name. It's growing on me now :)

I Talk to the Moon

It's true. I do.

And so does Bruno Mars ;) It's a seriously awesome song with awesome notes and awesome words. I overuse the word awesome incase that wasn't obvious :)

I was in search of a super catchy title for my new blog, and all of a sudden, it dawned on me. I heard Talking to the Moon, and there it was.

What about you? What inanimate object do you talk to? :)

Hey! You're Awesome!

I'll admit, I'm a serial blogger. I have more blogs in cyberspace than a hoarder has kittens. It's shameful.

The problem is, I don't keep up with them. I create crazy usernames and passwords for the sake of variety and individualism, and before I know it, I've forgotten my login and password.

That's one problem. My other problem is theming and timing. I'm forever trying to create a blog for this topic, a blog for that topic, or I say I'm going to write in it daily, weekly, whatever. The problem is with congruence. I have none. At all. My brain is like a ginormous jar of jelly beans. You have no clue what you're gonna get. And quite frankly, neither do I. I kinda like it that way.

So there you have it. My everything blog. Whatever is on my mind, whenever I get the chance to write about it.

If you've gotten this far, thank you for reading. You've totally made my day by following my blog. You're awesome! :)